Poll: What features would you like to have in next releases of SPMF?
Date: February 02, 2014 12:41PM

Hi everyone,

I'm preparing a new release of SPMF (0.95), which should be available in 1 or 2 months. The main novelty in this release will be to add new algorithms.

But in the mean time, I would like to get ideas from the users of SPMF about which features are needed in future releases.

Below, I list a few suggestions of features that I'm thinking of adding to SPMF in the future. Let me know if you would like to have these features or if there is other features not listed here that you would like to have in SPMF. I may not add all the features because my time and resources are limited. But having your feedback will help me to determine what is important and what is not important.

1 - Would you like to have tools to faciliate text mining such as reading text file or text document and convert them to sequence databases or transaction databases ?

2 - Would you like to have tools for reading data from a SQL database and convert it to sequence database or transaction database ?

3 - Would you like to have tools for performing sampling on an input file (for example, use a random subset of transactions from a transaction database instead of the whole file before applying a data mining algorithm?

4- Would you like to have tools for converting web logs to sequence databases to facilitate web mining?

5- Would you like to have tools to visualize the results from data mining algorithms? For example a graphical interface to explore the patterns found and to show some statistics about them.

6- Would you like to have are more complex user interface? What features?


7- Would you like to have the possibility to choose several algorithms and run them one after the other in the user interface?


8- Would you like to have a software module for automatically run experiments to compare algorithms and output the results to an Excel friendly format? This module would allow to choose algorithms, parameters for the experiment and output format for the results.


9- Would you like more algorithms? Which algorithms or for which problem?

10 - In particular would you like some graph mining agorithm? or more stream mining algorithms? or to focus on sequential patterns and itemset mining?



Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/2014 12:46PM by webmasterphilfv.

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