SPMF 0.95 New version is released.
Date: February 28, 2014 07:56AM

This is a message to announce you that a new version of the SPMF Java open-source data mining library is out

(SPMF v. 0.95)!

This is a major revision. 10 new algorithms have been added.

Here is the details of this new release:

Several new algorithms

TKS for top-k sequential pattern mining
TSP for top-k sequential pattern mining
VMSP for maximal sequential pattern mining
MaxSP for maximal sequential pattern mining
ESTDEC for mining recent frequent itemsets from a stream (by Azadeh
MEIT (Memory Efficient Itemset-Tree), a data structure for targeted
association rule mining
CM-SPAM for sequential pattern mining
CM-SPADE for sequential pattern mining
CM-CLaSP for closed sequential pattern mining
PASCAL for mining frequent itemsets and identifying generators

Optimizations and improvements

added a few minor optimizations to Charm and Eclat
refactoring of SPADE, Clasp, SPAM_AGP, GSP and PrefixSpan_AGP
improved the documentation webpage of the website to add the
description of the file formats of each algorithm.
Updated the map of data mining algorithms

Bug fixes

fixed a bug in the ID3 algorithm implementation

Note that some of the bug fixes were already included in version

I hope that you will enjoy this new version, and thanks again to
everyone for using and supporting the software. By the way, if you
like the software, you may tweet and post links to the website to help
promote the software!

Best regards,


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