I'm not sure that Prism is so fast. It was compared with Spade, PrefixSpan and SPAM.
It was not compared with more recent algorithms such as BitSPADE which is supposed to be faster than SPADE for example.
You may have a look at my algorithm CM-SPADE and CM-SPAM in the open-source of the SPMF library in Java. CM-SPADE is generally much faster than SPADE (and our implementation of SPADE similar to BitSPADE), SPAM, PrefixSpan, GSP, etc. You can see a graph here:

The paper about CM-SPADE/CM-SPAM will be published at PAKDD2014 next month. But the source code is already available.
There are also some other algorithms that have been proposed but the problem is always that every authors do not always compare their work with every other works. Thereore, it is not always clear which one is the best.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/11/2014 09:35AM by webmasterphilfv.