It is normal that the memory and execution times are not always the same if you run the same algorithm with the same parameter on the same data.
The reason is that on your computer there are several processes running at the same time, including the operating system, which influences the execution time.
Furthermore, since the algorithms read a file from the disk and output to a disk (if you are outputting to a disk), then the execution time also depends on how your hard drive behave (whether other processes are reading/writing at the same time, whether you are writing on contiguous space on the hard drive, etc.
For the memory, it depends on how the Java Virtual Machine handle garbage collection because in Java, there is a garbage collector that is responsible of clearning the free memory. Depending on his behavior, the memory usage may change a little bit.
But in any cases, these are not really problems. The reason is that although the execution time may vary, it will never vary A LOT. It may vary by 200 ms perhaps in some case, but it will never vary by much more than that. Therefore, when comparing algorithms, you should always use low minsup values so that the execution time is long (for example 100 s). Therefore, the variation caused by the hard drive and other external factors will not be significant.
Moreover, usually when comparing algorithms, what we want to compare is the trends of how the execution times grows with respect to the parameter. What I means is that although two algorithms may have the same execution time for the same parameter, as the parameters will vary, the execution time will not increase at the same rate and this is ultimately what we want to see. Therefore, when observing a trend, the small variation in execution time will not be important.
So, you should not worry about that. Just use low minsup values so that the difference will not be significant for your result because the execution times will be long.
Finally, for more advanced programmers, here is a blog post that I wrote about the challenges of measuring memory usage in Java (because of the Garbage collector):
How to measure the memory usage of data mining algorithms in Java?Best,
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2014 08:43PM by webmasterphilfv.