Re: K mean clustering and classifying instances without class labels
Date: July 18, 2014 05:55PM
Normally, a decision tree learning algorithm takes a set of instances as input who are described by a set of attributes and one attribute has to be selected as the target attribute that you want to predict (extrovert/introvert).
If you would give the rule as input to the decision tree learning algorithm, then your rules would need to be described using the same attributes as the instances that you want to classify, which I don't think you can do, if they are rules. Thus, I don't think it can work.
Decision tree is one of the simplest way to classify data. Another simple approach is the Naive Bayes classifier or k-nn. I forgot about the details of Naives Bayes, but it is very simple and can be implemented easily if i remember well. But in any case, you will face the problem that you need class labels.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/18/2014 05:57PM by webmasterphilfv.