a problem about EUCS
Posted by: hit2000
Date: January 20, 2015 01:57AM

everyone, I have a problem about EUCD which appears in FHM(Phi's paper). Actually I have implemented it in vs2008. and in vs2008 I can define EUCS as hash_map<Item, hash_map<Item, Util> >EUCS. it succeeding compling. but when I want to transplant it to ubuntun. I have this problem how to define EUCS g++ can pass. I am not familiar with gcc. Anyone can explain it for me or recommand some matierals. Thank you for reading.
Second question is where we can download Foodmart dataset.(Items 1,559, Transactions 4,141). Thank you for reading.

Re: a problem about EUCS
Date: January 20, 2015 05:30PM


First, welcome to the forum. And also, glad to see you again. I think that we may have met at HIT last month. ;-)

1) For the first question, maybe someone else can answer you about this. Or you may ask the question on StackOverflow.com . It is a very good website for asking C++ questions and you should get an answer very quickly when you ask there.

2) FoodMart 2000 dataset is a SQL database that was included as a sample dataset included with SQL Server 2000. It has been transformed to a text file to be used in high utility itemset (HUI) mining. However, there is to my knowledge no website that provide that text file version of Foodmart. To get it, you need to contact some authors that have it by e-mail and ask for it.

By the way, if you want to discuss HUI mining, feel free to contact with me by e-mail about FHM or anything else.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/20/2015 05:32PM by webmasterphilfv.

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