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Best data mining algorithms for my application?
Posted by: MEGHA
Date: January 20, 2015 08:20PM


I'am using SQL Server2012 for database connection in my Java based Web application.I have multiple database.In all the tables of all the database I have logtime which is of datetime type as the unique key.I want to retrieve beam_current value from a table and want to see the affect of all other parameter values of different database on this beam_current value i.e. I want to analyze the beam_current values and how it is affected by other values on a per second basis.
in my database all the values are being logged on per second basis.

For this type of analysis which data mining technique is best suited .My project is in java.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/22/2015 08:14AM by webmasterphilfv.

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Date: January 22, 2015 08:13AM

I think it would help if you could explain your problem a little bit more clearly. It is not clear what is your goal. You say that yYou want to "see" the effect of parameters on a "beam value". And it is not clear what is your data. There are some attributs. But what kind of data do you have? numeric data? nominal data? What is your application? etc. It would help to suggest some ideas.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/22/2015 08:14AM by webmasterphilfv.

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Re: Best data mining algorithms for my application?
Posted by: MEGHA
Date: January 23, 2015 04:14AM

My whole scenario is something like that

I have four different database namely INDUS2_BDS,INDUS_VACUUM,MSIS and RF.All these database have tables which have logtime as the unique key.From INDUS2_BDS database I consider a table from which I retrieve the beam_current and its corresponding logtime.
Now from rest three database different columns values or parameters corresponding to the above logtime of INDUS2_BDS will be considered.Now I will apply mining to theses retrieved values and beam_current to check what was the values of all parameters against beam_current and what pattern it follows and how values of different parameters changes when beam_current changes.

Moreover I want to predict the beam_current value by looking at all other various parameters on which beam_current depends.This dependency also I want to display through mining technique.

All of my parameters are numeric data which is of float type except logtime which is of date-time type.

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