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diference between these algorithms CHARM,DCI Closed,Gc_Growth algorithm
Posted by: Asmaa
Date: January 26, 2015 02:20PM

I need to know the diference between these algorithms
DCI Closed: a Fast and Memory Efficient Algorithm to Mine Frequent Closed Itemsets,

CHARM: An Efficient Algorithm for Closed Itemset Mining
Gc_Growth algorithm and Fp_Growth algorithm

and I need recommendation for use what
that make faster on data

thanks in advance

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/26/2015 02:31PM by Asmaa.

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Re: diference between these algorithms CHARM,DCI Closed,Gc_Growth algorithm
Date: January 26, 2015 03:00PM

DCI_Closed and Charm are two different algorithms that take the same input and produce the same output. They both mine the frequent closed itemsets. The difference is that they use a different search procedure and different data structures. I'm not sure which one would be faster on your data. Sometimes these kind of algorithms may have different performance on different kind of data (whether your data is sparse or dense or contain long transactions for example. So I would just recommend to try them.

Gc growth mines the frequent closed itemsets and generators. If you only need closed itemsets and not thegenerators, then there would be no point to use GcGrowth. But if you need both of them, it could make sense to use GcGrowth. But if you don't have source code, it may be tricky to implement it.

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Re: diference between these algorithms CHARM,DCI Closed,Gc_Growth algorithm
Posted by: Asmaa
Date: January 26, 2015 03:10PM

my data is relational data(OLAP) that changed over time since i need to know diference between two algorithms( DCI_Closed and Charm )
and I need other question Is generators the same meanning of freesets

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Re: diference between these algorithms CHARM,DCI Closed,Gc_Growth algorithm
Date: January 27, 2015 06:09AM

No, generators and free sets have different definitions. I forgot the definition of free set but you can find it in papers about that topic. But it is not the same definition.

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