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What is the difference between Data Science, Data Mniing and Data Analytics
Posted by: Martin
Date: April 12, 2018 06:57AM

I am confused by the meaning of these terms: data analytics, data science and big data.

Can someone give me some good explanation of these topics? Or give me some documents that explain these terms.

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Re: What is the difference between Data Science, Data Mniing and Data Analytics
Date: April 15, 2018 06:32AM

To give a short answer, these terms mean more or less the same. The term data mining was first introduced in the 1990s with some other terms like "business intelligence". Recently, new terms like "data science" and "data analytics have been introduced, while data mining has lost a bit of popularity. But basically there terms are quite similar.

Other people in statistics will call data mining "statistical learning".

Other people in artificial intelligence will call data mining techniques "machine learning".

And some people will call some of these techniques "big data".

There are many people arguing about these definitions. But I think that it is not that important. In 10 years from now, there will be another buzzword to replace "data science" and "big data".

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