document mistakes in CM-SPAM.
Posted by: zhaozhao
Date: November 12, 2018 11:05PM

Dear Prof P. Fournier-Viger

in the documentation of

go to the "Optional parameters"

java -jar spmf.jar run CM-SPAM contextPrefixSpan.txt output.txt 0.5 2 6 1,3 1 true

in the content
Moreover, it specifies that the user wants to find patterns for minsup = 0.5, and patterns must have a minimum length of 2 items, a maximum length of 6 items, must contain items 2 and 3, and have no gap between itemsets. Moreover, sequence ids should be output for each pattern found.
it says "must contain items 2 and 3" i support its spelling mistakes, because it "must contact 1, and 3", based on the JAVA codes, am I right?

Re: document mistakes in CM-SPAM.
Date: November 12, 2018 11:25PM


Yes that is a typo. Thanks for reporting it. I will fix it in a few minutes ;-)

Best regards,


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