Guidance to implement the TKEH algorithm
Posted by: tianikowa
Date: April 02, 2019 05:32PM

Dear Professor ,
I would like to Implementation TKEH Algorithm. I have encountered some problems such as COV strategy and EUCS.

Is the implementation of this article available to you?
Can you provide implementation of the kHMC algorithm?
Can you give me some useful tips?

Your assist will lighten this way for me to find the best solution for my questions, which will always push me to remember you as my Bro.


Re: Guidance to implement the TKEH algorithm
Date: April 10, 2019 02:18AM


> Is the implementation of this article available to you?

I do not have it. You could try contacting the authors.

> Can you provide implementation of the kHMC algorithm?

For this, you should contact Huy Duong who is the main author of that paper.

>Can you give me some useful tips?

I did not read that paper. But generally, it is better to start with making something simple that work and then to optimize it. Moreover, you can compare the output with the output of other algorithms to see if the result that you get is correct.


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