Release source code of Parallel gSpan for frequent subgraph mining
Posted by: Dang Nguyen
Date: April 07, 2019 03:02PM

Hi All,

I have released the source code of gSpan with parallel computing. This work was published in SDM 2018 and ICCSAMA 2015.

Given a set of graphs (or a graph dataset), the algorithm will find a set of subgraphs whose frequencies are not less than a threshold. Using frequent subgraphs is very useful in many data mining and machine learning tasks such as pattern discovery, classification, and clustering. It also has a variety of real-world applications in different domains, e.g., bio-informatics, chemo-informatics, social networks, action recognition, and so on.

If you have any trouble when running the code, please feel free to let me know.

Dang Nguyen

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