Comparison between algorithms for academic research
Posted by: Ahmed
Date: July 11, 2019 06:29AM

Hello everyone,
I would like to do a comparison study between the frequent itemsets mining algorithms, but I don not know how doing it and I don't know the formal method to follow.
I will appreciate any help.

Re: Comparison between algorithms for academic research
Date: July 16, 2019 06:33AM


Itemset mining algorithm can be compared from different perspective:
- performance: runtime, memory usage, scalability on different datasets. Most papers on itemset mining have such comparison
- features: some algorithms have additional features for the user
- how the algorithm works: different algorithms use different data structures, strategies, etc to find the solution.
- ...

But if you aim at publishing a research paper, making a comparative study of itemset mining algorithm is perhaps not a very good topic, because frequent itemset mining algorithms have been compared in many papers already. For example, if you just compare Apriori and FpGrowth, what would you add that would be new? These algorithms have been compared many times already. Just my opinion.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/2019 06:33AM by webmasterphilfv.

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