SPMF: Redesign of the SPMF website + ...
Date: November 02, 2019 11:02PM

Dear all SPMF users,

Thanks again to all for using, citing and contributing to the SPMF software. I have recently released SPMF 2.40, which contains several new algorithms, contributed by various persons.

I am currently working on integrating some other algorithms for the next release, planned for the end of November. If you would like to contribute some algorithm implementations, it is always welcome, and you may contact with me at philfv8 AT yahoo DOT com.

Also, in the near future, I will redesign the website of SPMF to make it more mobile-friendly. The current website of SPMF has a simple html design that does not display very well on mobile devices. And since some search engines prefer mobile friendly websites, I plan to redesign the SPMF website to use a responsive design that would work well on mobile devices. If someone has experience with this and would like to participate to this, you may contact with me! Any help is appreciated!

Also if you have any suggestions related to SPMF, you may also let me know directly or in this forum.

Best regards,


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