horizontal and vertical database representation
Posted by: jbd
Date: January 14, 2020 12:45PM

Hello, I have a question, please.
As we know, we have horizontal and vertical database representation in the domain of sequential pattern mining. My specific question: Are database projection algorithms considered within the category of horizontal database representation or is it considered as a third category?
Thank you

Re: horizontal and vertical database representation
Date: January 14, 2020 02:59PM

Good morning,

An algorithm like PrefixSpan uses an horizontal database and do database projections. PrefixSpan is said to use a "pattern growth" approach.

For me, I categorize the algorithms as follows:

PrefixSpan: Horizontal database, pattern-growth, database projection, do a depth-first search
CM-SPADE and SPAM: Vertical database encoded as bitvectors, generate candidates, do a depth-first search
GSP: Vertical database, generate candidates, do a breadth first search
FreeSpan: patterngrowth, horizontal database I think... and probably also do database projection but I dont remember
and there are other algorithms.

If you did not read my survey of sequential pattern mining, it gives some good overview.

Best regards,

Re: horizontal and vertical database representation
Posted by: jbd
Date: January 15, 2020 01:09AM

Good morning,

Thank you for this explanation.

I believe that you meant to mention that GSP uses a horizontal database representation as it is mentioned in your survey.

Best regards,

Re: horizontal and vertical database representation
Date: January 15, 2020 02:17AM

Hi, you are welcome. Yes, I think I made a mistake ;-)

Best regards,


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