Is TKG able to handle directed graph? If so, how?
Posted by: Sam
Date: January 15, 2020 12:52AM

First of all, thanks a lot for your algorithms. They're very nice.
I have a question, Is the subgraph mining algorithm - TKG able to handle directed graph (it means edges have directions between vertices)? If it is, what is the text format representing in contextTKG.txt?

Thank you.

Re: Is TKG able to handle directed graph? If so, how?
Date: January 15, 2020 05:38AM


Thanks for your interest in the software! TKG currently only handles undirected graph.

But I know that it could be modified for handling directed graphs. It is just that we did not do it. To modify it for directed graphs, since TKG is based on gSpan, one could just follow the instructions about how to modify gSpan for directed graphs, which have been described in p.9 of this paper:
It would require some programming and testing to do this. If you decide to do it, please let me know and we could include the new version in SPMF.

Best regards,


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