Data Mining of Groups
Posted by:
Date: June 14, 2012 04:03AM
Dear All,
I hope somebody can help me and give me a hint where to look for further information.
I want to Data Mine groups, like the following example.
I have some groups with two or more person. These Persons have attributes like Age or different Skills.
Group 1
Person A, Age, Skill-1-A, Skill-2-A, Skill-3-A
Person B, Age, Skill-1-B, Skill-2-B, Skill-3-B
Person C, Age, Skill-1-C, Skill-2-C, Skill-3-C
Group 2
Person D, Age, Skill-1-D, Skill-2-D, Skill-3-D
Person E, Age, Skill-1-E, Skill-2-E, Skill-3-E
In the past the different groups could have been ranked according to their performance.
For example Group 3 was 1st, Group 2 2nd, Group1 3rd (More rankings available)
Every time the Person in the groups have changed. Now I want to predict how a new group performs in future.
At the moment I have no clou what concept to use. The only thing that comes in mind is to aggregate the persons
into "group measures" for example
Group1, MeasureSkill1, MeasureSkill2, MeasureSkill3 --> 3rd
Group2, MeasureSkill1, MeasureSkill2, MeasureSkill3 --> 2nd
Group3, MeasureSkill1, MeasureSkill2, MeasureSkill3 --> 1st
Is it possible to handle this problem in another way?