closure Jumping in EFIM Close Algorithm
Posted by: sharare1370
Date: July 26, 2020 06:52AM

I read EFIM Close algorithm but i did not understand the concept of prune withe closure jumping would you please explain this prune strategy with example?

Re: closure Jumping in EFIM Close Algorithm
Date: July 27, 2020 12:28AM


I will try to explain this optimization with a simple example.

Let's say that we have a database containing only three transactions:

Transaction 1: A B C D E F

Transaction 2: A B C D E F

Transaction 3: A B C

Then, the algorithm will star to search for the closed itemsets. At some point the algorithm will find {A,B,C} and will then want to extend that itemset further to find larger itemsets starting with {A,B,C}.

The algorithm will count what items could extend {A,B,C}. The answer is:

"D" and it appears two times after {A,B,C}

"E" and it appears two times after {A,B,C}

"F" and it appears two times after {A,B,C}

Because all the items D, E, and F that could extend {A,B,C} have the same support (two times), then we can directly jump to the itemset {A,B,C,D,E,F} and we know that this itemset will be closed.

The other itemsets starting with ABC like ABCD, ABCE, ABCF, ABCDE, ABCDF etc cannot be closed because they will all have a support of 2, and {ABCDEF} has a support of 2.

This is the reason why we can jump directly to ABCDEF... This will save time because we dont need to explicitly check ABCD, ABCE etc...

So this is an optimization for closed itemset mining.

Hope that this is more clear.

Best regards,


Re: closure Jumping in EFIM Close Algorithm
Posted by: sharare1370
Date: July 27, 2020 08:47AM

Thank you for your good explanations i understand it.
Best regards

Re: closure Jumping in EFIM Close Algorithm
Date: July 27, 2020 06:12PM

Great :-)

Re: closure Jumping in EFIM Close Algorithm
Posted by: sharare1370
Date: August 19, 2020 09:43AM

in your previous example the support of ABC is not equal to the support of D,E,F and in the EFIM close algorithm in page 10 mention that the the support of itemset BETA should be equal to the support of BETA with item it true?


Re: closure Jumping in EFIM Close Algorithm
Date: August 19, 2020 09:54AM


Yes, it is indeed written as you said in the paper. And I am checking the code and it seems that the paper and the code are the same. So it is my example above that contains error, and BETA should have the same support as Z

Good that you found it.

Re: closure Jumping in EFIM Close Algorithm
Posted by: sharare1370
Date: August 22, 2020 07:26AM

Hi again
thank you

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