Sequential Pattern Mining / Assoziation Rules
Posted by: Phil
Date: August 31, 2020 04:21AM

I guess this is a rather simple question but I am new to the topic.
On order to create assoziation rules from sequence databases do you always have to mine the sequential pattern first? And if so, is there some literature on this?

Re: Sequential Pattern Mining / Assoziation Rules
Date: August 31, 2020 06:10AM


The answer is no.

There are some algorithm like Rulegen by Zaki (2001) who will first mine sequential patterns in a sequence database and then use them to create some sequential rules:

But some other algorithms like RuleGrowth and some others will directly find the rules:

These two types of rules are a little bit different though. You can check the RuleGrowth paper in the introduction for a brief comparison discussion of that.

Best regards,


Re: Sequential Pattern Mining / Assoziation Rules
Posted by: Phil
Date: August 31, 2020 06:51AM

Thank you very much for the quick response and thank you for all the work on SPMF. It helped me a lot.

Re: Sequential Pattern Mining / Assoziation Rules
Date: August 31, 2020 07:12PM

My pleasure. Happy that SPMF is useful ;-) Thanks for using it :-)


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