graph mining with TKG
Posted by: Breital
Date: February 05, 2021 06:25AM


Sorry to bother. Is there a PPT or video about the TKG algorithm for the subgraph mining? I am trying to understand your code.

Re: graph mining with TKG
Date: February 11, 2021 02:24AM


Welcome to the forum!

Here is the powerpoint presentation about TKG:

The article:

To understand the basic idea about TKG, it is good to know first about how gSpan works, since TKG is an extension of GSpan. For this, I recommend to read the chapter about subgraph mining in the book of Mohamed Zaki (for free). It has a good example of how gSpan is working.

Then, you can think about TKG as a modification of GSpan to turn it into a top-k algorithm.

I may do a video about TKG later. It is a good idea. But now a little busy!

Best regards,


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