Re: Standard known solution for Utility transaction dataset
Date: May 02, 2021 06:22PM
If you want to know the number of HUIs in a dataset, you can run the exact algorithms like EFIM, FHM, and HUI-Miner. All of these algorithms are complete, which means that they always find ALL the high utility itemsets. So if you want to know how many HUIs for some minutil value, you can just use one of those algorithms and you will know.
In SPMF, there are also some approximate algorithms like HUIM-GA, HUIM-BPSO etc. Those algorithms may not find all the HUIs because they are not complete algorithms. They use evolutionary or swarm intelligence techniques to try to find an approximate solution more quickly.
Besides that you can also find details about experiments and number of HUIs in experimental evaluation of HUIM papers.
Best regards,