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An algorithm that builds an utility-list in a matrix
Posted by: tianikowa
Date: January 07, 2022 06:06AM

Hello, Prof. Philippe Fournier-Viger.

For the past 2 years, during the implementation of the final project of the master's course, I have been asking you questions and you have answered them very well. Thank you for your guidance. next. I am again interested in implementing one of the plans I have in mind

I want to implement an algorithm that works like a hui-miner, based on list (utility-list)
But my idea is to put each list in a 2x2 triangular top matrix after I make it. My question is, is an algorithm similar to this implemented? Is there a code similar to this in the code implemented in spmf to create a matrix of these lists? The prunings I want to perform are twu,liu and U-prune

I had a request from you. Do you have the THUI article source code? If you do not have it, can you tell us which general structure of this algorithm is similar to which of the algorithms implemented in SPMF?
(Mining top-k high utility itemsets with effective threshold raising strategies from Srikumar Krishnamoorthy)


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/08/2022 10:35PM by tianikowa.

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Re: An algorithm that builds an utility-list in a matrix
Date: January 13, 2022 07:08PM

Good morning,

Sorry for the delay to answer. I have been a bit busy recently.

­> For the past 2 years, during the implementation of the final project of the master's course, I have been asking you questions and you have answered them very well. Thank you for your guidance.

You are welcome ;-)

> I want to implement an algorithm that works like a hui-miner, based on list (utility-list) But my idea is to put each list in a 2x2 triangular top matrix after I make it. My question is, is an algorithm similar to this implemented? Is there a code similar to this in the code implemented in spmf to create a matrix of these lists? The prunings I want to perform are twu,liu and U-prune

I am not sure that I understand the idea. There are some algorithms like FHM that have used some matrix to store the TWU of pairs of itemsets (the EUCS structure). But I think that this is different from what you want to do... as you say that you want to have 2 x2 matrices. In SPMF, there is some classes called TriangularMatrix that could maybe be useful to you... It is an implementation of a triangular matrix for counting the support or TWU of pairs of items.

> I had a request from you. Do you have the THUI article source code? If you do not have it, can you tell us which general structure of this algorithm is similar to which of the algorithms implemented in SPMF? (Mining top-k high utility itemsets with effective threshold raising strategies from Srikumar Krishnamoorthy)

I do not have this code. Generally, if it is not in SPMF, that means that I don<t have the code. You may try sending an email to Prof. Krishnamoorthy to see if he can share his code. That would save you the time of implementing the algorithm again. I have not read the paper and I cannot access the PDF.... I guess that it must be similar to either HMiner or HUI-Miner.

Best regards

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