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SPMF 0.87 new version - improved user interface
Date: July 28, 2012 06:16AM

Hello everyone,

This is to let you know that I have posted a new version of the SPMF data mining tool (0.87).

New features

In this version and 0.86, I have improved the user interface so that:
(1) example parameter values are shown for each parameter
(2) that percentage values can be entered either in decimal format (e.g. 0.5) or as a percentage (e.g. 50%).
(3) algorithms are presented by category in the combo box such as "sequential pattern mining", "sequential rule mining", "itemset mining", "clustering", etc.

Here is a picture that show these changes in the user interface:

Also, there is a more optimized version of Apriori that I have added in version 0.86.

Suggestions and ideas for future improvements

If you have any suggestions that would make this data mining software more user-friendly or if there is any functionalities that you think I should add, let me know.

Here are a few ideas that i'm considering.

I'm thinking to add a menu to the user interface with some additional tools and options. For example, there could be some tool for converting datasets from various file formats (for example the .arff format, or the IBM generator format).

I'm also thinking about adding some tools to visualize data mining results. But I think that it may take too much time to do.

Another idea to integrate some algorithm implementations that come from other Java software also licensed under the GPL license. For example, there are some algorithms that I have not implemented that are available under the GPL on internet. I could clean them and integrate them. I'm not sure if it is a good idea because if there are some bugs in the implementations it might be harder to find them and track the updates. So I think that I may not do that

By the way, if anybody has some Java implementations of some algorithms that you are author of and that you would like to add to SPMF, let me know. I can add it, and put your name as the author and also as a contributor of the software.

Thanks for all your comments and feed-back that helped me improve the software!


Edited 7 time(s). Last edit at 07/28/2012 06:45AM by webmasterphilfv.

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