Uncertain data mining is a hot topic. In frequent pattern mining, there have been several people working on
uncertain itemset mining. I have made a small search online and found some
source code and
datasets for
uncertain itemset mining, that I will share with you:
- Java source code of the MBP and IMBP algorithms + synthetic dataset (T10I4D100K) + real datasets (retail_dat) : http://code.google.com/p/imbp-programe-dataset/
- Java source code of the UApriori algorithm in the SPMF data mining framework: http://www.philippe-fournier-viger.com/spmf/
- C++ source code of the p-fp, p-apriori, TODIS and p-AR algorithms + synthetic dataset (T25I10D500) and real dataset (Accident). http://i.cs.hku.hk/~lwsun/codes/kdd10/
I will add more later. If you have any other link to uncertain itemset mining source code or datasets, please post them below.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 10/15/2012 03:30PM by webmasterphilfv.