Re: Interestingness measure for closed itemsets
Posted by:
Date: April 23, 2014 09:26AM
As said above, you can calculate the support of the antecedent.
There is different ways to calculate the support of the antecedent.
First, you could scan the database again to calculate the support of the antecedent but that would be costly.
If you want to find only some non-redundant rules, you could check the IGB basis of association rules. According to this basis, a rule X --> Y is created by using a generator itemset X and a closed itemset Y. There are some algorithms such as Zart that can find the generator and closed itemsets at the same time. Then this can be used to generate the IGB association rules. The code is in SPMF.
Alternatively, you could also have a look at "closed association rules". A close association rule X ==> Y is a rule where X U Y is a closed itemset. To generate the closed association rule, there is an algorithm in SPMF. You could have a look at that.